Saturday, March 1, 2014

Critical Literacy expectation

Assalammualaikum to my readers, I’m Auzaie Luqman. I just started to blog. So, this is my blog and happy reading. Hahaha
Hi guys, I’m semester 4 student Decom, I would like to comment and give my opinion about one of my subject, Critical Literacy or being known as CL. When I’m in semester  3, a few seniors told me that, I will face a one hard subject in semester  4 and when I heard that, I’m scared because taking a hard subject will stress me out. But after I’m taking it, it’s not hard like the senior say. It is a subject where give you a new experience towards the reality of the media. Why media? Because it’s show you how to analyze movies, newspaper, article and the author.
So, my expectation for this subject is that I will score this subject as it is a challenging subject. This subject gives me lots of new way to know believing. Next is, I will learn more about Critical Literacy because it gives me an opportunity to analyze text, movies and others. Last but not least, I will strive for excellent for this subject. This subject will make me more mature in study an article.
I hope that, this subject will give guidance to learning Critical Literacy. So, since I already start to learn this subject, I will more focus on the subject. Lastly, hoping that by learning this subject I can learn many thing and what lies on something. Not to forget that I’m truly glad that I have the opportunity to learn this subject.

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